Friday, December 1, 2006



If you did know that the Windows version of Internet News doesn't post your replies and new messages immediately, as does the Macintosh version, but instead queues them for later delivery. This queuing happens because the Windows version of Internet Newsgroup can act as an offline newsgroups reader, which means that you can connect to any Internet Service Providers, download a batch of messages, disconnect from that ISP, read through the messages, reply to messages, and then reconnect to send your replies.

Offline Newsgroup readers are a good thing, since reading Newsgroups can be rather time-consuming, and if you can do it offline it takes less time (since the messages load quickly from your hard disk, rather than being transmitted over your modem one at a time) and it doesn't tie up your phone line. In addition, if you use a laptop computer, you can download a bunch of messages from Newsgroup and read them on the bus or in a plane. I've found that reading newsgroup is a great way to while away those interminable hours between Australia to United States.

The first step when you want to Use Internet Newsgroup as an offline newsreader is to mark the messages you want to download. There are number of ways you can do this, and you'll probably want to experiment with all of them to see which works for you. I'll tell you more about how to do this offline Newsgroup reader in the next archive.

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